The Abundance of the Heart

From living many years on this earth, Ol' Dutch has noticed that if you give them the opportunity, people will pretty much tell you what they are going to do or have done.

In order to appreciate this phenomenon, you have to develop what is known as “listening skills.”

This is harder to do than one might think as it involves closing one’s mouth, which as Trixie is quick to point out, seldom occurs around Ol' Dutch. What she fails to realize is that I am trying to improve HER listening skills.

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Making Mistakes

If you live long enough you finally begin to admit that every once in a while you make a mistake. Even as perfect as Ol' Dutch is, mistakes do occur.

Politicians handle these mistakes by saying they “mis-spoke” and somehow that's okay and not a real whopper.

Personally, I would much rather they say, “Boy, did I ever goof up.” I can forgive that kind of honestly because, let’s face it, we all pull some real boners every so often.

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Buck vs Doe

Hunting season has rolled around once again and Ol' Dutch is out in the field doing his best to provide meat for the table.

It’s bad enough to have to rise at the ungodly hour of 4 a.m. but to see Trixie lollygagging around like Sleeping Beauty is about more than this old hunter can take.

Chasing these elusive game animals this past week got me to thinking, which is an activity Trixie says is best left to people with experience. Determined and undeterred, though, I went ahead and struck out into unknown territory and began to peruse the differences between a buck and a doe.

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Solitary Confinement

Every time I pull out my cellphone to use it I stand amazed at the advancements of the past 20 years.

For a while, all that was available were huge old black bag phones. Then flip phones soon came out and we all had our own Star Trek tricorder device and could actually talk to someone when away from that pesky landline.

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All over but the shouting

In a recent column you readers heard about our trip to Idaho. Like Paul Harvey’s broadcasts, though, there is always more to the story. And, here’s mine.

Seeing that we were already going to be far West-West-West of the Mississippi, the Rockies and everything holy while we were in Pocatello, Trixie started hinting about a side trip out to California to retrieve a “few items” that were left in a storage unit in San Francisco.

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Idaho Chicken Stomp

Having just spent a week with my number one daughter, Cricket, in Idaho, Trixie and I had the rare opportunity to get out of the house and into some tall cotton.

Now, those of you who know Ol’ Dutch know that I am not inclined to take my gal out for a high flyin’ life. In fact, the last big date we had included butchering a cow and while that is about as romantic as any woman can want, I could tell Trixie was overdue for the lights of the big city.

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If you live long enough to see your male friends lose spouses to either death or divorce you will suffer the unending torment of watching them be sucked into the cauldron of repeat matrimonial hardships. I mean a “happy marriage.”

When a woman loses a spouse she tends to gather up her friends and they spend countless hours consoling one another, eating out, shopping and doing things that she could not do while married or, otherwise, called, “having fun.”

Being a pastor's kid I know that some people believe Paradise is a stopping off place just short of Heaven and I liken this post-marriage phase as close to that place for women.

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