One Man's Junk is Another's Treasures

No matter where you go there is a phenomena that latches onto every person no matter creed or color. It’s known as “having stuff.” 

A drive through any subdivision on a Saturday morning shows you exactly what happens to the person who is not aggressive in their sorting and tossing. Soon the garage is filled to capacity and running out the door sometimes necessitating the need for a storage unit at the local facility.

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Valentine's Day

Way back long before people were concerned about someone's feelings being hurt, the teachers would have each of us decorate an old shoe box and set it in the window in hopes of getting a Valentine from our admirers. 

Choosing an appropriate message for 22 classmates out of 30 cheesy sounding cards was a challenge as you didn't want to give too personal a card to anyone except little Susi Doltmeyer who you hoped would respond in kind. 

The day would finally arrive when we opened up our cards and would find out that Susi didn't even give me a card but gave Jimmy Quazar a card and a chocolate bar

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Butt Dialing

Some of you are of the age that you can actually remember what a rotary dial phones. For those of you too young for such mechanical dinosaurs, it consisted of a dial on top of a black box that made a nice clickity-clack sound with each number you dialed. Think the movie poster for Alfred Hitchcock’s Dial M for Murder. Oh, wait, you are probably too young for that, too.

If your finger slipped off or you made an error while using a rotary phone, you had to hang up and start all over again. Somehow in the dark recesses of a rusty mind I recall our number when I was a kid. It was Gladstone 359. So you dialed GL359 to reach us. 

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