Assembling Happiness

The Christmas Season brings excitement for kids of all ages and a growing anxiety for all fathers. Fathers will be required to put up Christmas trees and lights as well as endure countless trips to toy stores, clothing venues and Santa's Village plus lugging endless armloads of presents to put under the tree.

His kids will become unbearable as their anticipation grows to the point of breaking. In order to maintain some semblance of household order, even the most normal, calm, well behaved children suddenly must be reminded often of Santa's words about “naughty or nice.”

The biggest fear any dad must face, however, during this season is the knowledge that any present opened on Christmas Day will require expert-level assembling skills for extremely anxious children. Luckily, any seven-year-old can connect a computer, stereo or program a television better than an adult, so that one is covered.

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