Computer repair for dummies

Have you ever noticed how many books are targeted for Dummies?

They have Poker for Dummies, Grammar for Dummies, Snowboarding for Dummies, Kindle for Dummies (enter 275 other titles here) and last but not least -- yes you guessed it -- Sex for Dummies.

Now Ol' Dutch has known some really dumb people in his life but it appears to me that most of them knew how to do the latter as evidence by the numbers of rug rats running around this world.

Lest you think this column is about sex, I’m sorry to disappoint. It is about a dummy, though, me and my adventures repairing my own laptop. It is surprising how much we depend on our computers and especially me for concocting a good story for the weekly column.

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Google yourselves to endless knowledge

You would have to be born under a rock not to know what Google is and how it works but for those of you who are part granite, here is the gist of the thing.

Somewhere out there in space there is this huge plethora of information just waiting for you to access it. Back in the day, when a person wanted to know something you would consult the encyclopedia and after spending countless hours perusing those pages and pictures, maybe find out or not.

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