Don't Tie Your Wagon to My Horses

I can recall the early days of Facebook which may date me somewhat but age is just a number, right? Trixie says that in my case it’s a BIG number but what does she know?

Given that women never age past 39, I wonder if they simply skipped learning to count higher than that?  Perhaps that’s why there are so few women in science fields in America. They are just not good at math. But, don’t tell Trixie I said that.

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Stuff of the Female Persuasion

Ol' Dutch has commented before about how women tend to leave their things around when dating a man.

Now, I’ve considered this a long time and have decided it is so they can mark their territory so that if by chance another vixen comes into the nest she can see there is already a she-cat scratching at this pole.

Plus if they do it slowly and surreptitiously it starts to give an appearance of permanence so the unsuspecting man slowly gets conditioned to having such items around the castle.

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Preachers Come A-Callin'

If you stay around a church long enough there comes a time when the current pastor retires or moves on and a new one is sought from a crowd of wannabe enthusiasts.

It used to be a pretty simple thing to get a new one as the Denomination would just put the names in a hat and draw one out. Nowadays with the advent of technology, the nominating committee is inundated with DVD's of the candidate and can hear just exactly what they will have to endure for the next several years.

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Too Fat to Fly

Two years ago when Trixie and I were in the beginning throes of our harmonious adventure, we took an ATV ride up to a high mountain meadow.

On this particular trip we were alone and for once Ol' Dutch could sneak a kiss out of sight of her ever-present-mother who thought her 47-year-old daughter still too young to date.

Driving into the meadow we saw an eagle on the ground and were able to drive within 5 feet of it. Now Trixie is the sort that rescues poor animals in distress and some people would say that's how she ended up with Ol' Dutch. But that’s a story for another day.

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Shopping For Houses

Hold onto your horses, you female readers and fans. This “house shopping” isn’t what you all have been hoping for. Ol' Dutch hasn’t been caught up in the trap of setting up a domestic domicile with Trixie as all of you have hoped and dreamed of.

This is about helping my son, Bubs, look for a new house in Kansas. He and the family have decided to make their abode on the plains of Kansas, a place where you cannot see hell from but you can sure smell it.

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Growing Old Not So Gracefully

Ol' Dutch is soon to have another birthday and even though you all will want to shower me with gifts and cards containing money, my contract with America prohibits such a show of love and respect.


The problem with accepting gifts is that one thing leads to another and the next thing you know someone wants a favor such as the directions to my secret fishing hole or my good luck shirt complete with stains, tears and odors.

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Statistically Speaking

Some people use statistics as a way to start a conversation.  

Trixie is fond of doing this when we’re driving along the road. Just the other day, she made the observation that 2.5 percent of the U.S. voting population has said that they have witnessed voter fraud, which, coincidentally, is the same exact percentage of the population saying they’ve been abducted by aliens. See how that works? In one sentence, we can explore campaign reform, voter fraud and alien abduction. Who says we don’t have fun on road trips?  

And, some people when they want to impress an assembled group, they will spout off a a bunch of statistics which is meant to sway us to their point of view or, just as likely, make the rest of the population feel stupid.

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Trixie's Birthday Extravaganza

Last year, Readers, you may recall that Ol' Dutch got himself into what is known as a “pickle” over some slight oversight of Trixie's birthday.

Back in our courting days when she was pursuing me with vim and vigor, Trixie made it clear that no gifts were to be purchased on Christmas or Birthdays and this is one of the many reasons Ol’ Dutch was bamboozled into thinking she is “the perfect woman.”

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