Trixie's Birthday Extravaganza

Last year, Readers, you may recall that Ol' Dutch got himself into what is known as a “pickle” over some slight oversight of Trixie's birthday.

Back in our courting days when she was pursuing me with vim and vigor, Trixie made it clear that no gifts were to be purchased on Christmas or Birthdays and this is one of the many reasons Ol’ Dutch was bamboozled into thinking she is “the perfect woman.”

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Guitars and cauterwauling men

It is a truth universally acknowledged that as people age and lose their youthful looks they must develop new qualities to ensure their attractiveness to the opposite sex.

Women and men both diet and stay active. And that works for some. Others – especially men --rely on their bank accounts. Now, it is true that having a sizable bank account will make you more desirable, it is also true it seems to be the key ingredient for short marriages and multiple divorces.

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