Sexual Revolution, South Padre Style

Having arrived finally at the Southern most point on the Texas coast, Trixie and I have been able to enjoy some warmer temps. South Padre Island is a paradise of sorts with unlimited fishing opportunities and other amenities.

If you have ever been to the beach you know about the good and sometimes bad displays of flesh that can occur there. Normally shy and reserved folk suddenly are transformed into exhibitionist.

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Stop and Smell the Roses --- or NOT!

Life has a way of dealing some harsh circumstances and there is not a one among us that hasn’t had their share of trials and tribulations. There have been a lot of books written that tell us that hardship brings about character. “They” say that without them we would not grow into the strong individuals we eventually become. “They” actually get paid to say such nonsense, too.

Having been married before, Ol' Dutch has had his share of pain and suffering and so he can relate to most people's problems.

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On the border

Having taken a winding path southward this winter, I have finally arrived at South Padre Island, Texas just in time for spring break.  

Those of you who have been subjected to such antics will most assuredly tell Ol' Dutch to “run for the hills.” But the fishing is getting good and even the thought of scantily clad people of the female persuasion cannot drive me from the beach. Ol' Dutch will endure somehow.

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