The Big Valley

Researchers say that a person always returns to the place they were conceived. My father decided to share that little bit of information with me and let me tell you that’s just not something you need to hear from your dad. A definite example of TMI - too much information. We all know that our parents never had sex. That’s just way too painful to even think about.


Having said all that, South Fork, Colorado has always seemed like home to me so maybe he is right. Again, TMI. Having taken on a nomadic lifestyle, I have had the opportunity to live for months at a time in different locales and enjoy the sights, sounds and food offered by each. I never do feel quite at home however and always long for the familiarity of our mountains.

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Volume Buying

Ever since I was elected to be the one to go to the store when the TOILET PAPER emergencies occurred in our household, I have always bought plenty and had it on hand no matter what.


Living 12 miles from town in those days made it a tad harder than a run to the corner market too. So I learned to pick up a LOT of TP whenever I was at the store which caused no end to tension about storage space. Now that I am full time Rv-ing the lack of space does cause some difficulties in keeping very much on hand. When I switched RVs last year, Trixie was flabbergasted at the number of rolls I can stuffed away in nooks and crannies.

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Mosquito Season Bites

Warm spring days, newly blossomed flowers and tornado outbreaks kept me company as I drove north back to the mountains.

Along the way, I decided to get an early start on my summer garden. It felt good to be outside with my hands in some dirt after a long winter but I soon learned that I was not alone in that feeling.

Tiny insects of every shape, size and description had also viewed the sunshine as a clue of warmer days ahead and were exiting their lairs from deep within the earth.

Not to be outdone, the most feared of all, the lowly mosquito, came out and began to seek any and all who would donate unwillingly to its cause. And, I was their prime target. Each evening more whelps appeared across my body.


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