Lollipop Bubble Crush Saga

The Internet is an amazing tool that allows us to not only gather information but to connect with friends all over the world.

One of the primary ways we do that is through a page called Facebook. The user puts in pictures and information about his or herself and suddenly their entire lives are out there for the rest of the world to see whether we want to or not.

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Vinegar and Baking Soda

Ol' Dutch hadn't been in the bachelor way very long before certain older women began teaching him some of the better ways of cleaning. I am not sure if that was due to needing some help in that department or just in the interest of their wanting to raise another son.

Two products immediately came into action in the war against germs and odors both of which a bachelor has a plethora of: baking soda and vinegar.

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I thought you would change

No matter where Trixie and I go, people always feel it’s their God given duty to help us along the way to harmonious matrimony.

Most of the people who seem intent on this event taking place don’t seem to be in that great of an undertaking of their own or have gone down the aisle multiple times thereby annulling their reliability as an expert on happiness.

 Now Ol' Dutch used to have a farm and he soon found out that you don’t have to own the cow to milk it and has tried to live by that edict after losing the cow I did own. Hence, I am not married.

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