Sasquatch Walks Amongst Us

Native American legend is filled with stories about a mystical creature known as Sasquatch.

According to the people who have seen him, this tall, hairy, man-like creature roams the forested areas of this country. Ever since the 1967 Patterson–Gimlin film of the Bigfoot in California, there has been an increase in not only reported sightings but actual pictures of this beast.

I always thought I would be the last person to see a Bigfoot until a summer day just outside Creede when both Trixie and I saw what we believed to be the elusive creature.

Now you may guffaw and look askance at us for claiming such a thing but her tee-totaling parents were along and the photo shows that we were not imbibing in local spirits. The sighting was also far in advance of the legalization of marijuana, not that I have ever done any of that either.

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Laundry is a snap

There are vast differences in how women and men do their laundry. You might be surprised at the revelations I am about to uncover and how that will impact mankind and our survival in the future.

Cooper took over one of Trixie's high priced, California-dreaming pillows and used it for a bed long enough for it to start smelling like, well, a dog. A simple solution was to put it in the washer and so I began a search for the detergent.

The detergent, though, was nowhere to be found. Before Trixie left on her adventure to far flung places, she apparently decided to hide all the things she knew I would need.

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How high is your ying yang?

During recent conversations with some friends in South Fork, I casually inquired how deep the snow was and was informed it was “up to your yin yang.”

Not knowing exactly where that would be on my person or whether it is at different heights on various people, I had to consult the dictionary for clarification. It seems that Yin and Yang is a part of Chinese philosophy indicating how two completely opposite things are connected: light and dark, hot and cold, life and death and so on.

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Baby-sitting flu right pass

Becoming a Grandpa isn't so hard. All you have to do is raise your own child to adulthood and they usually take care of the rest. Sooner or later a baby comes along and you are suddenly qualified to be a grandparent.


Like many other fathers, I wasted all those free-wheeling years between when our own kids were raised and before the next generation came along to interrupt our oh-so-busy schedule of watching TV and sleeping late.

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