A Penny for your thoughts

Being a “project man” my favorite store is Home Depot. I just love to peruse the shelves there and think about all the things I can build or remodel.


I recently bought a new RV and decided to spice it up a bit by adding some interior design elements to the walls. See there, Ol’ Dutch can talk the language of a metro man when he has to.

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Combat Fishing

Savvy travelers to Pensacola, Florida know about camping on the beach at Fort Pickens. This historic site is the largest of four forts built around the bay and construction began in 1829. It was one of only four Federal forts in the South not to surrender during the Civil War. The fort also was home to Geronimo and his people  after their capture in 1886.

Its a great place to visit if you ever get a chance and there are great camping facilities on the island as well as condos and hotels close by for those of you whose idea of roughing it is the Holiday Inn.

Along with the whitest sand beaches in the world, the island offers a free fishing pier that juts out into the bay and no fishing license is required if you try your luck there.

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New trucks can save the US

My entire married life was spent without a new truck. Once divorce came my way, though, three new trucks arrived over the course of five years.

Now while that may sound like I am wealthy beyond means, if you know me you will find out that just like a lot of people, it’s all about payments. This is a lesson the gold-digging women I met before Trixie found out about me early on. Many of the women seemed to mistakenly believe that a man like me who was retired at 52 had to be rich and the answer to all their problems, their kids braces, a college education -- or at least trade school tuition -- for Johnny and beauty school for Amanda.

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