Hiking with Dennis 10/16/13

Dennis takes us on another hike via his post. If you life close or vacation there, join him for fun and informative hikes in the area.

We had a lovely day for an invigorating hike,  touring 3 kilns and traversing several canyons and arroyos.  The markings  on the Ponderosa have all the earmarks of an Indian "medicine tree", it was WAY  off the beaten path and in a secluded spot.

It was cool to start out but the jackets came  off quickly, the sun really warmed us up.  Amazing how warm 40 degrees can  be!  The rock formations in this area are similar to the ones in the  Penitente canyon area and just about as confusing.  The weathering effects  on the rocks create some unique and unusual figures, sort of like "cloud  watching" when it comes to figuring out what they may  represent..............

Wayne will be leading a hike Monday, come on  out and join us in some great fun and exercise........